Tuesday 31 July 2012

Two Easy and Simple Ways to Gradually Improve Your Arch

Over the past 6 months I have unintentionally improved my instep and arch by performing daily exercises on my feet, without really even thinking about it. I do it in several ways, and here's how you can too.

1) Pointing
When you're sitting down during the day, wherever you are, whether it's in class, on your laptop, on the train or in the car, train yourself to subconsciously keep pointing your foot. It's simple, but it definitely works. And think of how long you spend sitting down each day! 4 hours at the very least, I would think, and all that time you could be pointing your feet, and it would definitely improve your arch in no time.
2) Tondus
This one is for when you're standing, though perhaps when alone at home or you may get some strange looks. You could do it whilst ironing or cooking, for example. Keep doing tondus the whole time you're standing, making sure you're really slowly pointing and stretching through your whole foot, pushing out the instep. This exercise will not only improve your arch but also will gradually yet greatly increase the strength of your foot too.

The beauty of these exercises is really just how easy they are to do. They don't require much thought, because within a few weeks of you doing them you'll forget about remembering, and instead it will just become a subconscious habit. Another great benefit of them is that if you, like I used to, have one foot hugely stronger than the other, you can use these exercises to work on your weaker foot, without much effort from your brain.

And remember; keeeeeeeeeeeeep arching! (that was awful, wasn't it? Still, you have to love a Bruce Forsyth reference)

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