Tuesday 31 July 2012

My first post: about me

So, before I started blogging, I thought I'd tell you a bit about myself.
It's important when reading these type of blogs to know where the information is coming from, especially because you could be reading "advice" that is dangerous to your body and career.
I therefore am promising that you can have full trust in me that I am delivering accurate, true, reliable and safe information from one dancer to another. 
Anyway, my name is Fran and I dance. I am a dancer, an assistant dance teacher and a choreographer for small things. My other hobbies are reading, writing and laughing. I cannot pick a favourite dance style because I love so many so much, but my top two are ballet and tap.
I love ballet because it is so precise, elegant and quiet. No one knows how fast your heart is beating, how hard you are struggling, how the cramp in your leg muscles is killing you. Because as a ballerina you make it all look effortless and that is the beauty of it.

I love tap because it is so energetic and just really enjoyable. If I'm feeling down, one of my first things to do would be to whack on some tap shoes, and just start tapping. And it's such a creative art. You can make steps up easily and do it anywhere, even if you're not in tap shoes. It's great.
So there you go. A bit about me :) Now I'll get on to blogging about dance...

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I have just started a new blog. I will write about many things, and some post will be about ballet because I'm in love with it. You can translate it to english :) less-than-500silentlywords-to-tell.blogspot.com
    I hope you like it! :)
